Greif’s CorrChoice team in Louisville, Kentucky is serious about safety, and its commitment to safety was recently recognized. CorrChoice Louisville was recertified as a Safety & Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP) company, one of only 12 companies in the state of Kentucky to be recognized as achieving “SHARP Status.” SHARP is a state-run program that uses Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards to improve workplace safety.
“We make safety a daily priority at our facility and we are thrilled to see it is paying off,” said Scott Ford, environmental health and safety manager at CorrChoice Louisville. “The combination of having a staff that is experienced and knowledgeable, and also cares for one another has really helped us achieve success in safety.”
The recertification required two separate audits from the Kentucky Labor Cabinet, which analyzes safety policies and procedures, along with an on-site visit. CorrChoice Louisville scored an overall 99 percent on the audit, which provides the facility exemption status from regular compliance inspections through June 2021.
Every shift at CorrChoice Louisville starts with a meeting dedicated to safety. The team discusses a variety of safety topics and areas where safety improvement can be made. The group also introduced a Behavior Observation program to encourage colleagues to watch out for one another on the plant floor. If colleagues observe an action that might cause a safety risk, they are asked to fill out an observation form documenting the action. The entire team uses the documentation to dig deeper into the cause of the actions to prevent them from occurring in the future.
“The program has really turned into a coaching tool for us, which has driven our safety culture,” said Scott. “Keeping an eye out for one another helps us improve our safety every day.”
To learn more about CorrChoice, Cliquez ici.
Photo (L-R): Scott Ford, Nathan Schenck, Shane Breland, Bryant Call, Gary Sewell