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Зображення LCS

Centurion Container – Memphis

3299 Tulane Road
Memphis, TN 38116 

Наші люди

Грайф приділяє велике значення захисту, залученню та розвитку різноманітної робочої сили.

Reconditioning of IBC totes in Memphis, Tennessee

Greif is proud to partner with Centurion Container to provide customers with enhanced packaging circularity. The location at 3299 Tulane Road in Memphis, TN 38116, is part of the IBC circularity story. The two companies will work together to provide customers with a reliable source for their packaging needs.

Customers can purchase new IBCs, repurposed IBCs, and other products made from recycled materials, all from one point of contact. This helps customers reduce their environmental footprint. Greif and Centurion Container are committed to providing customers with sustainable packaging solutions and helping them maintain a circular supply chain.

Customers can also take advantage of the opportunity to return used packaging for reuse, saving them resources and improving sustainability. Additionally, Greif and Centurion Container will also offer services such as container cleaning, repairing, and re-certification to ensure that all packaging is safe to use.

Centurion Memphis – IBC Reconditioning
3299 Tulane Rd
Memphis TN 03816

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