适用于 Elektron Zones 的 GCUBE IBC

One of the safest solutions for EX zones 1+2
The Greif GCUBE IBC-Elektron uses multi-layer technology approved for EX zones. High performance is paramount and thanks to the use of special additives in co-extrusion technology, the outer layer has a permanent antistatic surface layer and the discharging valve produced with conductive PE is grounded through the cage and the pallet.
- 有多个开口可用于多种通风类型
- 阀门采用 HDPE 涂层,确保产品纯度
- Available with antistatic additive for food contact and with barrier properties to prevent gas permeation
- GCUBE Elektron is compliant with regulations regarding EX zones
- Approved by EPH laboratories
- GCUBE Elektron is compliant with EN 50014
- Suitable for EX zones 1+2 (CENELEC technical report 50404:2003)
Antistatic Properties
The outer layer has a permanent antistatic surface layer, and the discharging valve is produced with conductive PE is grounded through the cage and the pallet.
GCUBE 提供市场上最坚固的笼子。
GCUBE 可配备三种不同尺寸的标签板,标签板可固定在 IBC 的四侧。
适用于 Elektron Zones 的 GCUBE IBC

- 150 mm and 225 mm openings available with various types of ventilation and hybrid or wooden pallets
- 2 英寸和 3 英寸阀门带有外涂层 HDPE 层,能够确保只有一种材料与填充产品接触
- Gcube Elektron is also available with antistatic for food contact (GCube Food) and with barrier properties to avoid gas permeation (GCube Shield)

- 盖子
- 铭牌
- 阀门选择
- 多层瓶颜色
- Detectable
- 混合托盘

Avoid risks of deflagration with GCUBE ELEKTRON
Protect your people and your customers using GCUBE ELEKTRON which ensures avoidance of deflagration typical of steel protected IBCs
When filling and emptying the product level is visible
GCUBE ELEKTRON avoids steel covers to achieve the antistatic requirements, keeping visible the level of the filled product. If the product must be protected against sunlight, use black or white resin.


What are EX Zones?
EX zones, also known as hazardous areas or explosive atmospheres, are defined spaces where flammable gasses, vapors, mists, or dust may present a risk of
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