
Greif Paper Packaging and Services Receives Awarded for Outstanding Customer Service

Press Release (PDF 62 KB)

DELAWARE, Ohio–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Greif, Inc. (NYSE: GEF, GEF.B), a global leader in industrial packaging and services, today announced that its Paper Packaging and Services business unit received the company’s inaugural Dempsey Award for Customer Service Excellence. The award recognizes the business, function or team within Greif that demonstrates the very best customer service performance aligned with achieving Greif’s vision.

“At Greif, we work every day to fulfill our vision: in industrial packaging, be the best performing customer service company in the world. Creating a culture of customer service excellence is a continuous journey and we will celebrate success along the way.

“Our Paper Packaging and Services team works to identify opportunities to become strategic partners to its customers, while ensuring maximum accountability and performance delivery for their customers. The team’s 24 hour, 7 day a week customer service mindset is core to their operations and provides an outstanding example for our enterprise to emulate,” said Pete Watson, Greif’s President and Chief Executive Officer.

The growth rates in the Paper Packaging and Services business exceed North American industry averages and are in part attributable to industry leading customer service.

关于 Greif, Inc.

Greif 是工业包装产品和服务领域的全球领导者,并致力于实现其愿景:在工业包装领域,成为全球表现最佳的客户服务公司。该公司生产钢桶、塑料桶和纤维桶、中型散装容器、翻新容器、柔性产品、箱板纸、包装配件,并为各行各业提供灌装、包装和其他服务。Greif 还管理美国东南部的木材资产。该公司在 45 多个国家/地区具有战略地位,可为全球和地区客户提供服务。更多信息请访问公司网站: www.greif.com. Greif’s Customer Satisfaction Index is an internal measure of plants or businesses performance against selected parameters that customers experience, which provide us an indication of our level of meeting customers basic needs. Components include: customer complaints received; customer complaints open greater than 30 days; credits raised; number of late deliveries; and the number of deliveries. Categories are weighted by importance. Greif’s Net Promoter Score is a management tool used to help gauge the loyalty of the company’s customer relationships. The survey is managed by a 3 party.

查看 businesswire.com 上的源版本: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20170216006234/en/

消息来源:Greif, Inc.

Greif 公司

Matt Eichmann, Office: 740‐549‐6067


Email: matt.eichmann@greif.com



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