
Reconditioning & Container Collection


Our network of life cycle service providers across North America and Europe can extend the life of your used packaging and responsibly recycle their component raw materials at the end of their life cycles. We aim to assist customers, and their customers with safe, economical, and environmentally supportive collections of eligible used packaging.  

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  • Burgenland
  • Carinthia
  • Lower Austria
  • Upper Austria
  • Salzburg
  • Styria
  • Tyrol
  • Vorarlberg
  • Vienna


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      IBC Cleaning & Rebottling

      What Will Be Packaged in its Second and Third Life?

      Depending on the material the IBC last contained, bottles may be washed and reused. Non-washable IBC bottles can be ground to be used as post-consumer resin (PCR). The shredded plastic is cleaned and prepared for extrusion. Cages are repaired and new bottles can be inserted into the existing cage.

      Give Your Plastic Drums a New Life

      Wash and Re-Use or Grind for Post-Consumer Resin.

      Depending on the material the drum last contained, bottles may be washed and reused. If they cannot be reused, then plastic drums, jerrycans, as well as IBC bottles can be ground to be used as Post Consumer Resin (PCR). The shredded plastic is cleaned and prepared for extrusion.

      steel drums

      Give Your Steel Drums a New Life

      Steel is one of the most recycled materials.

      Depending on what was originally packaged in your steel drum, it can be either reconditioned or recycled. The body can be reformed, and the components replaced for reuse.  


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