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Greif Salt Lake City

الأنابيب والأنوية


Greif Salt Lake City

الأنابيب والأنوية

2585 South 2570 West
Salt Lake City, UT 84119
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معلومات المنتج

Corrugated tubes and cores in Salt Lake City, Utah

Greif is a manufacturer of paper tubes and cores used in various applications. Founded in 1877, it has grown to become a leader in providing sustainable packaging solutions. Its products are used in industries such as agriculture, food and beverage, construction, and consumer goods.

The Greif facility in Salt Lake City is located at 2585 South 2570 West, Salt Lake City, UT 84119. The products made here are known for their durability, strength, and versatility, making them ideal for protecting and transporting a variety of goods. The Greif team in Salt Lake City consists of highly skilled and experienced professionals who are dedicated to providing exceptional customer service and delivering high-quality products. With a commitment to sustainability, the facility utilizes eco-friendly materials and processes to reduce its environmental impact.

Salt Lake City – Tubes and Cores
2585 South 2570 West
Salt Lake City UT 84119
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