مرشحات عامة
المطابقات الدقيقة فقط
البحث في العنوان
البحث في المحتوى
البحث في المقتطف

English Terms and Conditions


The EarthMinded® program facilitates the collection of intermediate bulk containers (IBC), steel and plastic drums, and other industrial packaging. Our program is designed to offer a reliable, cost-effective, one-stop collection
service to customers via a global network of service providers. We help our customers avoid risks and give assurance that packaging is handled, transported and properly cleaned in compliance with all local regulations and legislation.


We strive to utilize collection partners that extend the life of packaging products through reconditioning, remanufacturing and retesting. When reconditioning is not feasible, the collection providers safely and responsibly recycle the raw
material at the end of its life cycle.

EarthMinded service providers have been selected based on expertise, environmentally responsible practices, reputation and commitment to satisfying the customer.


As safety and compliance with local regulatory compliance is our priority, all collected packaging has to comply with the below terms of acceptance for empty

  • The generator is responsible to ensure all packaging is ready for collection and meets the collection conditions. Should a packaging fail to meet one of the collection conditions, EarthMinded service providers are entitled to refuse to accept
    the package(s) and/or charge the generator for costs incurred. The generator is required to recover the package(s) immediately.
  • The packaging must be empty. (In the United States, it must be RCRA empty, i.e., drip dry, granule-free and scraped, if necessary, to meet RCRA requirements.)
  • For safety and legal reasons and to prevent problems during handling and transport, the following apply:
    • Packaging must be closed as if it were full.
    • The outside of the packaging must be essentially free of product/residue.
  • Product labels with hazardous material information must conform to the last filled product and must not be removed or made illegible.
  • SDS must be provided by the generator upon request.
  • Packaging that last contained the following types of materials must be decontaminated.  (Note: Not all decontaminated packaging is accepted at all facilities and may need to be transported to facilities prepared to accept these types
    of materials, potentially increasing freight costs.)
    • Toxic, highly irritating, odorous or proven CMR (carcinogenic, mutagenic and reprotoxic) products that could cause health and/or safety problems during their handling and processing.
    • Substances which emit flammable gasses when in contact with water.
    • Biocides, marine pollutants, poisons, oxidizers (including peroxide).
  • Decontaminated packaging must be marked and supplied with a dated certificate.
    • EarthMinded can offer a proposal for the decontamination of some hazardous materials upon request.
  • EarthMinded service providers cannot accept packaging used for radioactive substances, explosives, gasses, infectious products or asbestos.
  • The generator is responsible for the correct and complete loading of the packaging onto the deck of the trailer.
  • A bill of lading will be provided. The generator is responsible for checking the accuracy of and completing any required legal and regulatory information on the bill of lading.
  • Title of the packaging that complies with these terms of acceptance shall transfer upon unloading or processing at the applicable EarthMinded service provider. Generators shall retain title to all non-compliant packaging.
  • By accepting these terms and conditions and by using the EarthMinded collection service, the generator agrees to pay for all costs incurred in relation to a non-conforming packaging or service partner collection fees.


As a service to our customers, EarthMinded will provide collection for most types of industrial packaging. Depending on current local market conditions, collection may be free if the collected packaging complies with the following conditions and
minimums as defined by each country/local region. (Please see each country’s specific local terms, if relevant.)

Packaging that does not comply with the below can still be collected, however collection and handling fees will be invoiced by the service provider. EarthMinded can provide estimates in advance.

حاويات البضائع السائبة المتوسطة (IBCs)

  • Most major manufacturers of tubular-style cage IBCs will be accepted
  • Pallet, metal frame and inner-bottle must be in reusable condition
  • Pallet and cage must not be broken, contain oxidation or deformation
  • The outside must be free of product/residue
  • Label plates must be in place and fully functional
  • The original UN marking of the IBC must be visible and legible
  • Minimum: see local terms

براميل بلاستيكية

  • May not show signs of significant damage
  • Not leaking
  • Plastic not worn or brittle
  • Not too many scratches
  • Not discoloured
  • Easy to open and close
  • Bottom not convex
  • Easily cleanable (interior and exterior)
  • For transport reasons, collection on pallets can be requested but charges may apply
    •   Minimum: see local terms

طبول فولاذية

  • May not show signs of significant damage
  • Not leaking
  • Not too rusty (interior and exterior)
  • Not too heavily dented
  • Easily cleanable (interior and exterior)
  • The outside must be free of product/residue
  • For transport reasons, collection on pallets can be requested but charges may apply
  • Minimum: see local terms

The grading of the packaging to determine compliance will be completed by the service provider(s). This grading is binding. Packaging that does not meet the collection criteria can be collected but collection and handling will be invoiced at
local conditions by service providers.

For other industrial packaging not mentioned above, please contact EarthMinded in your region.


english app terms 1

english app terms 2

english app terms 3

معلومات الاتصال

To use the EarthMinded collection service, contact:

TEL: Europe: 00800 2 2655328; الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية و كندا: +1 855 364 6333; الصين: +86 400 856 0166; اليابان: +81 025 259 3131;          سنغافورة:
+65 6262 0671.

FAX: Europe: 00800 1 2655328; الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية: +1 317 322 3515; اليابان: +81 025 259 4099; call in Au­stralia, كندا, الصين,
. www.earthminded.com

All collections are subject to the latest EarthMinded LCS terms of acceptance of empty packaging and general and local collection conditions. EarthMinded LCS reserves the right to change these conditions. The
latest versions are available on earthminded.com and can be sent on request. By using the EarthMinded LCS collection service you accept the current conditions.

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