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Greif in the

Greif s'engage à bâtir un avenir meilleur en faisant des dons à nos communautés dès aujourd'hui. Conformément à The Greif Way, nous nous efforçons de créer une culture qui soutient le bien commun en utilisant nos ressources financières et humaines pour soutenir des organisations caritatives qui se concentrent sur l'éducation, la santé et les services sociaux.

Three Focus Areas of Giving



We recognize that today’s children are tomorrow’s leaders and invest in their education through scholarships and educational programs that enrich the next generation.



We support direct services and activities geared toward improving the quality of life for our neighbors. Healthy bodies, minds, and spirits create stronger communities.


Services sociaux

We support services and activities that meet the basic needs in our surrounding communities.

68 local, national and international initiatives were supported by Greif in 2022

Opportunities for Support

We take great pride in supporting the communities where we operate and have a commitment to making the communities where our colleagues and customers live and work stronger through community partnership — with the goal of creating positive and lasting social, environmental and economic impacts across the world.

direct community giving

Dons directs à la communauté

We are dedicated to establishing meaningful connections in the communities where we operate by getting involved with important initiatives and showing support through active participation. Administered by the Contributions Committee, we provide support to local nonprofit organizations, with special emphasis on education, health and social services.

Greif Foundation

The Greif Foundation was established in 2017 to supplement the company’s direct community giving and provide support for charitable organizations with requests of $25,000 or more.
greif foundation
collegue matching program

Colleague Matching Gift Program

We recognize the financial commitments our colleagues make to organizations they care about by matching their personal donations to nonprofit organizations, giving them an opportunity to maximize their donations. Disbursements are directed to educational, health and social service organizations.

Colleague Assistance

Greif Scholarships

We understand the importance of family and providing our loved ones with the best opportunities to help them succeed. With the rising cost of postsecondary study and its increasing importance, we’d like to aid in the success and education of our colleagues and their families and help put them on a path to a brighter future. In 2007, we established a scholarship program to assist our colleagues’ children who plan to continue education in college or vocational school programs. Scholarships are offered each year for full-time study at an accredited institution of the student’s choice.

Des collègues qui aident leurs collègues

The Greif Colleagues Helping Colleagues Fund was created to help colleagues who are facing financial hardship immediately after a natural disaster or an unforeseen personal hardship. The Fund relies primarily on individual donations from colleagues and support from Greif to fund this program. Every contribution helps and when combined with the donations of others can provide a tax-free grant (USA) to help fellow colleagues in need when they are facing the unexpected.

Votre organisation s’aligne-t-elle sur nos trois domaines de don ?

Nous vous encourageons à examiner nos domaines d'intervention avant de soumettre une demande de subvention. Si la mission de votre organisation correspond à nos priorités de financement, nous serons heureux d'examiner votre demande.

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