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GCUBE IBC for Food


Discover the GCUBE IBC: The Premier Choice for Food Safety and Quality

In the food industry, the integrity and safety of product storage and transportation are paramount. That’s where the GCUBE IBC comes into play. This food-grade intermediate bulk container (IBC) is not just any storage option; it’s a meticulously engineered solution designed to meet the specific needs of the food sector. Developed through a close partnership with food industry professionals, the GCUBE IBC is tailored to ensure the highest standards of hygiene and safety, effectively eliminating risks of contamination.

Funciones/opciones adicionales:

The Choice For Food

GCUBE Food complies with all regulations regarding food contact and Greif customers rated GCUBE Food as the best solution for the food industry.

La jaula más fuerte

GCUBE ofrece la jaula más resistente del mercado.

Etiquetado fácil

GCUBE puede equiparse con tres tamaños diferentes de placas de etiquetas y las placas de etiquetas se pueden fijar a los cuatro lados del IBC.

GCUBE IBC for Food

estándares verdes

La más amplia gama de especificaciones

  • 150 mm and 225 mm openings available with all types of ventilation and pallets
  • Válvulas de 2" y 3" con capa de HDPE recubierta capaz de garantizar que solo un material esté en contacto con los productos llenos
  • Gcube Food is also available with antistatic for EX zones (GCube Elektron) and with barrier properties to avoid gasses permeation (GCube Shield)

personalización 1

Opciones de personalización

  • Placas de identificación
  • Food lids
  • Food valves
  • Colores de botellas multicapa
  • Palet híbrido
  • Plastic pallet


Learn how the dynamic life of an IBC from Greif amounts to a choose your own adventure story. There’s a host of ways an IBC demonstrates circularity. See the many ways IBCs have become a circularity success story. 

Detalle del producto: La seguridad es lo primero


Commitment to Safety and Hygiene

Safety and hygiene are at the forefront of the GCUBE IBC’s design. Several of Greif’s manufacturing sites across Europe, where the GCUBE IBCs are produced, have earned GFSI certification. This certification is a testament to their commitment to food safety standards. Particularly noteworthy is the facility in EDE (NL), which operates blow molders in a clean room environment. This not only enhances product safety but also ensures that the IBCs are free from contaminants.


Industry Recognition

The effectiveness and reliability of the GCUBE IBC have not gone unnoticed. It is rated by customers as the best solution for the food industry, thanks to its unique and patented solutions aimed at reducing contamination risks. This customer endorsement further solidifies the GCUBE IBC’s position as a leader in food-grade storage solutions.

Detalle del producto: La seguridad es lo primero


The Ideal Choice for Food Industry Professionals

For food industry professionals looking for a reliable, safe, and quality-focused solution for storing and transporting their products, the GCUBE IBC is the ideal choice. Its unique features and certifications make it one of the strongest and most secure IBCs on the market today.


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En las plantas de Greif en toda América del Norte se está implementando una nueva y mejorada plataforma de pedidos digitales. Esto significa que usted podrá hacer negocios con Greif de una manera más sencilla y eficiente.

dolor gráfico más 2

Mercados a los que prestamos servicios

Desde los productos que nos mantienen en movimiento hasta los que nos hacen hermosos, Greif se enorgullece de satisfacer las necesidades únicas de una amplia gama de industrias globales.

La sostenibilidad es nuestro objetivo

La red de proveedores de servicios de ciclo de vida de Greif en América del Norte y Europa puede extender la vida útil de los envases usados y reciclar de manera responsable las materias primas que los componen al final de sus ciclos de vida.

How the cookie crumbles in a partnership with Greif on IBCs

Greif is all about servant leadership, and that’s an excellent thing for Greif customers.

Servant leadership is a leadership philosophy in which the leader’s primary focus is on serving the needs of their team or organization. This approach can lead to a positive work culture and employee satisfaction, resulting in a more motivated and productive workforce.

Choosing the right container for your food products is crucial, and with the GCUBE IBC, you can be assured that your products are stored in a container that is as committed to food safety and quality as you are. Whether you’re dealing with perishables, liquids, or dry food products, the GCUBE IBC offers a solution that protects your goods and helps maintain their integrity from point A to point B.

Explore how the GCUBE IBC can transform your food storage and transportation processes and why it’s the trusted choice for food industry leaders worldwide.


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