À propos de Greif
What’s in a name? Greif gets its name from a family who built a packaging business that would grow into Greif Inc. The name Greif rhymes with life and is pronounced “gryfe.”
Greif is a leading supplier of industrial packaging products and services, growing from its beginnings in Cleveland, Ohio, to a global footprint across more than thirty countries and 200-plus locations.
Our Vision
Be the best performing customer service company in the world.
Our Purpose
We create packaging solutions for life’s essentials.
Our People
Greif places the utmost importance on protecting, engaging, and developing a diverse culture. The Company has a workforce of over 14,000 colleagues spread across more than 250 facilities in 37 countries.
Our History
We are innovators – building packaging that’s sustainable, innovative, and focused on circularity.
La voie Greif
Greif's values are the same, wherever we are in the world.
people focused
We lead through our culture, focusing on people every step of the way.
zero harm
We think safety in every situation. Zero Harm is about each of us finishing the day safe and happy - going home better than we arrived.
servant leadership
We believe in servant leadership, and as a result, we prioritize the needs and growth of our colleagues and customers.
Customer Driven
We prioritize the needs of our customers.
Action Biased
We are proactive, not reactive.
Our Standards
Personal Accountability
Greif is known around the world for integrity. Our people – principled, intelligent and reliable – reaffirm our reputation every day with their every action.
Stay Alert for Safety
We take responsibility to be safe in everything we do. We are diligent in protecting our own safety as well as the safety of our co-workers. We correct unsafe practices or conditions when we see them and stop any activity that brings unnecessary risk.
Respect Others
We treat people the way we would like to be treated while being respectful of their cultural norms.
Be Part of the Solution
When we see something that needs to be done, we do it. When an issue arises, we work together toward a resolution. We put Company goals ahead of our personal agendas in the workplace.
Build in Quality
Quality is our hallmark. Each of us takes responsibility for it.
Remain above Reproach
We compete honestly and adhere to the highest standards of conduct.
Meet and Exceed Our Customers’ Needs
We listen to our customers to learn about their challenges and help them determine their best solutions. We deliver products and services at fair value.
Increase Our Company’s Worth
Our shareholders expect it. Our future depends on it.
Maintain Our Company’s Reputation
The companies with the highest standards provide the highest returns for their shareholders. We will continue to be one of those companies.
Cultivate Supplier Loyalty
We treat our suppliers as vital partners to our business.
Expect Equal Treatment
We constantly evaluate all aspects of the products and services that we purchase. We expect quality at a fair cost.
Remain Free of Obligation
We do not accept lavish entertainment or excessive gifts from suppliers.
Safety in the Workplace
Safeguarding the health and welfare of our people is fundamental. The Company is committed to providing a safe working environment.
Equitable Treatment of All
Regardless of race, color, sex, creed, national origin or age, each Greif employee will be treated fairly.
Appropriate Rewards
Compensation and benefits will be competitive and commensurate with the value received.
Career Opportunities
The Company will be mindful of career opportunities within Greif for its employees.