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P Series Tight Head Plastic Drum

You get safety and durability for the secure storage and transport of liquids
A P Series Tight Head Plastic Drum is a type of industrial container designed for the safe and secure transportation and storage of liquids and semi-liquids. P Series drums are made from a high molecular weight high-density polyethylene resin and manufactured to the highest standards of quality and consistency. These drums are strong and rigid, yet much lighter than a typical steel drum. This makes for easier handling and savings on shipping costs.
Recursos/opções adicionais:
- No inner lining to crack or fracture, eliminating possible contamination
- Stackable, saving warehouse space
- Sidewall rolling hoops protect labeling
- They can be cleaned, reconditioned, and reused
- Customized available.
The molecular weight distribution of high-density polyethylene provides excellent impact properties that many customers count on without the added weight of steel.
Ease of Use
Get a handle on your packaging needs with a swing handle application that makes movement of this drum a little easier than other tight heads.
Pragmatic Appearance
The natural color design of this drum allows users to gauge the level of contents inside the drum.
P Series Tight Head Plastic Drum

A mais ampla gama de especificações
Available in
- 8-gallon
- 15-gallon
- 20-gallon
- more by request

Opções de personalização
- Colors
- Handles
Learn how the circle of life for plastic drums doesn’t necessarily end once they are delivered to our customers. Whether reclaimed as regrind for future products, or reconditioned for new use, the many lives of a plastic drum make up a circularity success story.

Segurança em primeiro lugar
UN Options Available
P Series Tight Head Plastic Drums are a good choice for UN compliance as they are designed to meet stringent United Nations specifications for the transportation of hazardous materials, ensuring safety, reliability, and regulatory adherence. P Series drums are engineered to be fully compliant with UN/DOT and other regulations.
Use Multiple Times
The P Series Tight Head Plastic Drum can be reused multiple times with proper care and use. They are manufactured using high-density polyethylene (HDPE) material, which is known for its durability and resistance to corrosion and impact. This makes the P Series Tight Head Plastic Drum an ideal solution for industries such as chemicals, pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, and more. The tight head design of the drum ensures that the contents are securely sealed and protected from contamination, making it suitable for both transportation and storage purposes.

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Sustentabilidade é a nossa meta
What is it like to order P Series plastic drums from Greif?
Para começar, trabalhamos juntos. Greif e os colegas que fazem a empresa se destacar como líderes em recipientes de embalagem de plástico trabalham com cada cliente para entregar a melhor solução para suas necessidades. Um processo colaborativo encontra os melhores resultados para você e, claro, para seus clientes e usuários finais.
Você sabia que a Greif estabeleceu uma declaração de missão atualizada para ser a empresa de atendimento ao cliente de melhor desempenho do mundo? O que isso significa para você é se você está selecionando as extensas ofertas de plástico ou procurando por qualquer outra coisa na Greif catálogo, é dever de todos nós garantir que suas necessidades sejam atendidas e suas expectativas sejam superadas. É o jeito Greif.
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