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Greif Baltimore Paperboard Mill


Greif Baltimore, OH Paperboard Mill

310 West Water St.
Baltimore, OH 43105-1272
Vereinigte Staaten

Paper packaging maker in Columbus, Ohio

Greif is headquartered in the Columbus, OH, area, so it’s fitting that they have a sizable paper plant up the road a short distance in the small town of Baltimore, Ohio. The town is a major logistics and industrial hub.

Greif paperboard production at the Baltimore, OH, plant is a crucial part of the company’s operations. The plant, which employs over 300 workers, produces a variety of paper packaging products for various industries including food and beverage, industrial, and consumer goods. With its strategic location north of Columbus, the plant is able to efficiently serve customers in the Midwest region and beyond.

Baltimore, Ohio – Paperboard Mill
310 West Water St.
Baltimore OH 43105-1272
Vereinigte Staaten

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