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Tech Talk

Drum 360

Drum 360 is a solution proposed by Greif, enabling you to promote your product or your brand using the design, graphic, or picture of your choice – whatever the complexity – on your steel drum.

The quality that we can obtain is to the standard of the printing industry.

The printer has more than 60 heads and can reach a resolution of 1000 dpi. Just to give you an idea: The maximal resolution that a human eye can perceive at 13 cm is 600 dpi so with this technology you have the best.

Drum 360 is the most flexible solution on the market. 

Compare to screening or lithographic, there is no limitation of quantity, it means you can order the quantity you need. As there is no tool: you have a design, we put it on the machine, and we print it.

With the Drum 360, you can have the same brand image across the entire packaging range, even able to reproduce the branding image printed on the labels of plastic packaging or communication materials.

Drum 360 means for you: A High quality for your branding and promotion solution with high flexibility on design, time, and quantity.

MORE DRUM 360: Short Webinar Presentation

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