Greif China in Caojing is set to reach its sustainability electricity consumption goal over the next 25 years with the implementation of a new photovoltaic system.
This system creates no pollution and is a huge cost savings on electricity power consumption. The project was completed in the Greif China Caojing facility, and reached the generator capacity of 930KW within two months. The power system is fully operational. Let us take a look at how this system works.
Project Introduction:
A photovoltaic system is designed to supply solar power. It consists of an arrangement of several components, including solar module arrays to convert sunlight into electricity, combining manifolds to transfer the direct current (DC) to the DC distribution cabinet,and a grid-connected inverter to change the electric current from DC to alternating current (AC). Power generated by the system mainly supplies the plant, while the excess or lack of power would be balanced by connecting to the electrical grid. The system looks like this:

Benefits of this photovoltaic project:
Solar power is clean energy which allows the company to achieve green and energy-conservation goals by using photovoltaic power, which is free of pollution or carbon emissions.
Solar panels on the roof of the facility protect the facility from direct heat resulting in lower room temperature that reduces air conditioning energy consumption.
Overages of electricity generated by the solar system can be sold to the solar panel company owner that results in an annual cost savings of electricity consumption of about RMB100K or $16,000 in the Caojing facility.
The Solar panel company is responsible for the investment, maintenance, repair and all the other follow-ups of the project freeing Greif from any maintenance worries.
The photovoltaic power project is in the emerging energy-saving environmental protection industry promoted by the country.