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Delivering More Than Packaging

In addition to helping you find solutions for your industrial packaging needs, Greif truly wants to see our customers succeed. Our packaging influences many other aspects of your business. We invite you to leverage our global expertise in the following disciplines: Safety, Engineering, Supply Chain and Continuous Improvement. John Spitale, Senior Director of Global Supply Chain, shares, If you are looking to minimize the complexity and risk of your value chain related to industrial packaging, we would love to work with you. Recently, our Global Supply Chain team collaborated with a Greif manufacturing plant and a large global customer to design a simple-to-use Kanban process that triggers production only when the product is needed. This new process simplified ordering and improved visibility of the customer’s demand for more stable production runs.”

Collaboratively forecasting and planning ensures higher confidence in on-time deliveries and reduces stress when managing your industrial packaging inventories. If you would like to engage our team of experts to work together with you to identify areas where you can succeed, please coordinate with your account manager to define the specific scope of the diagnostic project you would like to address. 


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