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Blog, Sustainability

Pack Smart, Pack Bold: The NexDrum

When shipping and storing your products, your packaging isn’t just a container—it’s your brand’s frontline ambassador. Meet NexDrum, your sustainability partner in durable and customizable packaging, tailormade to make your products easily noticeable and logistics streamlined.

Why NexDrum?

  • Unmatched Durability: Built tough with an extruded body and injection-molded ends, NexDrum also offers stacking capabilities for safe yet efficient shipping and handling.
  • Customize to Stand Out: It offers many colors, heights, and volumes to find your perfect match, making product misidentification a thing of the past.
  • Sustainability at Its Core: Greif leads the way in environmental responsibility by crafting NexDrum with 17% less plastic than standard options.

Your product deserves packaging that’s as bold and unique as your brand. Why not invest in a sustainable product whose customizations improve productivity while making a statement?

Real Results, Real Fast

Don’t just take our word for it. US Global Petroleum (USGP) turned their anti-freeze products into recognizable icons with NexDrum’s color-coded drums. The result? Happier customers and a smoother operation. 

Your Next Move

Is your next packaging Nexdrum? Let’s talk.

Reach out to your sales representative or contact us to learn more.

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